Mantle convection & Basin analysis

Banner image shows output (a drip) from a simple incompressible Stokes flow model calculated using FEniCS for an undergrad course.

A focus of my work has been developing observations and simple models to constrain histories of vertical lithospheric motions with a view to better understand mantle convection and the formation of sedimentary basins

In many places plate tectonics (e.g. horizontal motion of plates and their subsequent extension and shortening) provides an excellent framework for understanding lithospheric vertical motions. However, it is now clear that significant, O(1 km), vertical motions can be generated by transient sub-plate processes (e.g. thermal expansion of the mantle). Most of my work on developing methods that make use of drainage patterns to understand regional uplift has been focussed on filling in the gaps between reliable spot measurements (e.g. uplifted biostratigraphically-dated marine terraces) to address these problems. 

As well as this work, we make use of seismic tomography, in particular methodologies to convert seismic velocities into estimates of mantle temperature and density. We also use geochemical data and methodologies to estimate pressures and temperatures of melting, fieldwork to constrain melting histories of dynamically supported swells, potential field data to understand lithospheric strength and sub-plate support, and stratigraphy to track histories of uplift and subsidence. I highlight two studies of ours below that combine many of these approaches.

Figure: Synthesis of observtions indicating sub-plate support of Borneo (see Roberts et al., 2018, for details). (a) Topographic map of southeast Asia. Colored circles = heatflow measurements. (b) Dynamic topography extracted from global model generated using spot measurements of residual topography in the oceans and long wavelength (>700 km) free-air gravity anomalies over continental lithosphere. Colored circles/upward- and downward-pointing triangles = estimates/lower and upper bounds of residual bathymetric anomalies in 1◦ bins. Labeled squares = broadband seismometer stations where crustal thicknesses were determined by receiver function analysis (~30 km; Lipke, 2008). (c) Horizontal slice through shear wave tomographic model at depth of 100 km (Schaeffer and Lebedev, 2013). (d) Earthquake seismicity between 1973 and 2016 from CMT catalog. Colored circles = hypocentral depths; beach balls = earthquake focal mechanisms (Mw > 6.5); red arrows = GPS velocities with respect to Sunda Shelf (Simons et al., 2007; Mustafar et al., 2017); cross-hatched region = portions of Sunda Shelf (i.e. Sundaland) with bathymetry of < 50 m where continental crust is ~30 km thick (www.earthbyte .org; Holt, 2016).

Spot measurements of uplifted marine rock

The least equivocal constraints on continental uplift on geological timescales appears to be the distribution of dated marine rock. There now exists remarkably large inventories of palaeobiological data that can be used to generate spot measurements of net uplift throughout most continents. We generated such an inventory using the Paleobiology Database with corrections for compaction, sea-level and denudation (see Fernandes & Roberts, 2020 for details). A challenge is developing schemes that can fill in the spatio-temporal gaps between such observations, we have been making use of drainage networks to do so. 

Figure: Circles = Cretaceous to Recent uplift marine rock from the Paleobiology Database (see Fernandes & Roberts, 2021, for details).

A role for sub-plate support in generating sedimentary basins

To better understand the role sub-plate processes play in modifying the evolution of passive margins we have been interrogating the stratigraphic archive using seismic reflection, well and seismic tomographic information with academic and industry colleagues. This work has shown that the mantle can  uplift and drawdown (subside) continental margins by hundreds of meters in a few million years at wavelengths of hundreds to thousands of kilometres (see e.g. Lodhia et al., 2018; Morris et al., 2020). Drawdown can generate accommodation space for sedimentary deposition and for the subsequent generation of hydrocarbons. 

Figure: Mantle convection beneath West Africa's passive margin from shear wave tomography, deep seismic reflection data and backstripped wells (see Lodhia et al., 2018, for full details).